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CRISPR Clue is build to make life and analysis easier, also for scientists without a bioinformatic background. To achieve this we have tried to provide easy to use Python scripts for analyzing your NGS data obtained from sgRNA clonings. To enable efficient and straight forward use of these scripts, we provide a number of detailed descriptions. Here they are:

  1. CLUE Wetlab SOP (detailled Protocol)
  2. CLUE Application Note, produced together with Twist Bioscience
  3. How to install Python and its dependencies
  4. How to run sgRNA_counter.py to map NGS reads to a sgRNA library
  5. How to run sgRNA_Lib_stats.py to map NGS reads to a sgRNA library and its Oligo-Pool for QC

If you have Python installed and are familiar with running the scripts from the command line, here they are:

  1. sgRNA_counter.py
  2. sgRNA_Lib_stats.py

HELP US HELP YOU: If you find bugs, problems or anything else in our scripts, please let us know so we can improve! Also, if you have ideas on how to make things better, or what might be missing we are always keen to know. With ourselves rather coming from the wet-lab than from the computer field we are pretty sure there are many improvements to be made. On the upside we hope we might rather see the needs of all those wet-lab people out there who have to or want to get started on some computational analyses and programming. Let's build this community, to improve everybody's work! E-Mail us!